Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Ducky

We walked to the park the evening, thankfully it wasn't full of water. Peanut Butter has been couped up for way too long. On our way we walk by this house that has a little pond and fountain all decorated in their front yard. PB squeals every time we walk by it. They even have a fake little beaver on one of the rocks. Today I said look they have a duck now, J says, " yeah a couple of real ones." I said, "Oh my god they are real." They had a male and female duck eying up their pond as a love nest. I wish I would've had my camera with me.
The count down to Gooberville is on. I told J today I was having second thoughts about going since there really isn't anything for me to do but keep the girl out of trouble. He got all pissy and said everyone wants to see PB and you could have said something sooner. I told him I was just getting second thoughts and he was fine don't go, I don't want to force you and have you throw it in my face like you did with thanksgiving. I'm torn on what to do.


Anonymous said...

Why do men always over-react and then act like it's OUR fault? I say 'screw 'em! don't go!' LOL What is GOoberville? Sorry I missed that part....

KG said...

Dude - now you GOTTA go or else he's going to get all pissed off with you!

I say go and drink heavily.

Melissa said...

Gooooo! I say goooooo!