Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I almost saved this for my Thoughts for Thursday, but I have 8 hrs of work tomorrow to think of something a little more substantial. There is nothing like sitting down to pee and you get up and realize you just sat in someone else's pee. WTH! Why do males have such a hard time hitting the target? My stepson did it and I know it is because he doesn't care, he'll leave his own feces on the seat without thinking twice. If you cannot pee without hitting the seat please lift it, hang on to the sucker and aim, or have the decency to clean it up; your playstation game is on pause, it is not going anywhere. I desperately hate cleaning the bathroom because there is pee everywhere on the toilet, down the front, on the seat on the rim. I'm amazed it's not all over the walls, on second thought....


Michelle Leigh said...

OMG, that bugs the crap out of me. What is even more baffling, is how that happens in the women's bathroom? Seriously ladies, can't we get it in the bowl? How disgusting, unsanitary and altogether rude. I've taken to wiping the seat before I sit, and using a liner. I just don't need other's germs in that manner!

Zoe said...

ewww. as a mother of 3 boys i sooo know this feelin all too well.