Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday: Grocery Baggers

I was going to give Peanut Butters birth story in answers to my questions, because my thoughts is lame again. But J sucked up all my computer time and I had this written already. So Birth story will be Saturday unless I get a life by then.
I am one of those anal people when it comes to bagging my groceries. I realize teen boys across the land need a job, but maybe they need a training course or something. I would much prefer you stay the heck away from my groceries and let me do it myself. I try to give guidance I usually place everything on the belt as I want it bagged. Frozen items together, veggies & fruits together, bread/crushables together. I think you get my point. I now usually walk/run with the stroller to the grocery store so I have limited room in the basket, so I usually tell the baggers I will get it. They apparently like to ignore this and bag away cramming everything into the one canvas bag I brought, which I then empty out in front of them and repack so everything will fit in the stroller, which means some of the bigger items don't get put in a bag. Today I had to tell 3 different ones I will get it myself, and even then the check out girl wants to start bagging for me. I also hate when they see that I brought my nice enviro friendly bags with me and still want to shove items into a plastic bag to put it in my canvas bag. WTF is the point of this?? This is the one thing about wally world that I like, self check out. I swipe it and it goes exactly where I want it to go and in what order I want it. Oh and the check out girl forgot to swipe my freaking rewards card and I missed out on like 10 cents off a gallon of gas. That was an extra dollar fifty for the girl's concession stand addiction.
Am I the only crazy person when it come to bagging groceries, or do you dislike the bagging chaos too?

By the way my opinions on Brett Favre will be posted during tomorrows Photostory Friday for those inquiring minds.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I do the same thing - group like products together to save myself time when unpacking . . . I hate having to dig through three different bags to find the 3 containers of yogurt that I bought! I finally got around to putting all my canvas bags in the car, and am anxious to see how the bagger handles it - I am in there enough that some of them have finally realized that I don't want my milk in bags and that they have to keep the eggs away from the kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my word. I worked in a grocery store in high school and remember the guys squeezing 96 items into one plastic bag and then trying to hand it to the 80-year-old woman with arthritis in her hands. I wanted to thump them on the head.

The enviro-friendly bags are great - but I have just two problems. One, I keep forgetting to take them INTO the store, and TWO... what am I going to use for trashcan liners in the bathrooms once I run out of Wally-World bags?

Michelle Leigh said...

I am not with ya on this one. I usually have my kids with so it's next to impossible to get things done fast and well! They usually package things correctly despite how I pile them on the belt. They usually put them in categories. In fact, they do it better than I would! But, I like to go to Super Target and they are always good. For me, baggers are a god send.

Leslie Collins said...

I am with you. I group my groceries together. I can't stand when the lady bags my stuff wrong. We don't have bag boys anymore in Michigan. They have those spinning things where the bags are on a turner. So, they bag and you take them off the spinning thig as they are full. I am not sure if that makes sense of not?! It's like a bagging carousel.

Kat said...

I used to be a bagger in high school so not only am I very retentive about my groceries, I really do know how they are supposed to go. And yep. We actually did get training. It just seems that most people don't care. It REALLY bugs me.
And I put everything on the belt in order it should be bagged too. ;)

Dana said...

Wait... you don't have self checkouts? We have them in many of the stores here... grocery, home depot... and I absolutely love it. It's much quicker and I can bag things the way I want them. Hopefully the self checkout systems will start popping up by you if they haven't already.

jessica said...

they're just half witted high school boys (or girls) who are sometimes out of it, sometimes over eager... either way i want to bag my own groceries too!