Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Round Up

For the Fourth, a bunch of us got together at a friend's house. They fried up wings in the turkey fryer. J did this for the Super Bowl and people loved it so they decided to give it a whirl. People hung out and talked. I didn't realize it until the next day that I was so busy watching Peanut Butter, that I hardly talked to anyone. When we showed up their dog pummeled Peanut Butter. He was trying to show her some love, but went over board. But once he was kenneled she went over by him and pet him through the fence. They had him out later in the evening and he pummeled her again inside the house. She wasn't amused. They shot of the town fireworks from across the street. PB had been oohing at some being shot off illegally across the way, but when the big booms when off, she curled up in my arms and wasn't having any of it, didn't even want to peek. She caught a few of the quieter ones, but it wasn't what I had expected.
I had to work yesterday and today, we finally made it to the park this evening after a bug fueled hiatus, they were out, but not nearly as bad as last week. I pick up the bad mommy award. PB was on the swings and these ones are 3 feet off of the ground for some odd reason. But she decides she needs to stand up in the one she is swinging in, before I could grab her, Boom, she fell out. Needless to say that ended the trip to the park. Thankfully she landed in the 5 inches of sand they have and no damage was done, except scaring the bejesus out of herself.
We are off to a Brewer game tomorrow night. I hope we don't get home too late, 4:45 am comes awfully early when we do.


KG said...

Ah, bodily injury, terror, and dog slobber. A successful weekend with a toddler, if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is completely off-topic but...Peanut Butter's pigtails are getting SUPER long!! I love them. :-)

Melissa said...

sounds like a fullfilling weekend. :) ha ha. but she is sooooo cute in that picture

Cassandra said...

she is so cute!! I love that picture!

Julie said...

Great picture!!
Aren't parks fun, but scary at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute baby I think that she is both cute and chubby