Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Randomness

I don't know if it has been the no adult conversation for almost 24 hrs or what, but I've just had some random thought running through my head.
Am I a bad mom if I don't play all day?

Will Target brand diapers make it through the night? I'm a little scared to test this.

Why isn't 1 cookie enough?

Why if I feel horrible shopping at walmart do I still shop there?

If seventh generation is so environmentally friendly why do they package their each of panty liners in a plastic wrap?

Why do I have the acne this week comparable to that of my teens and it's not close to that time of the month?

Why can't I remember to take my canvas bags that I have sitting right next to the door so I don't forget?

Why is the handle for our oven to high for me to use the oven lock? How do they expect me to keep my kid from baking herself?

What am I going to do with this giant rocking horse?

Why didn't I do anything but a couple loads of laundry today?

How long can I make my daughter nap with me in the chair?

Why is it that I love the show Lost, but ever time I read what people read into it I feel so stupid I didn't notice those things?

Who got kicked of of Rock of Love last week? I haven't caught that episode of skank-o-vision.

Can I survive another season of Survivor? I didn't watch much of china.

Why does my daughter have to go through everything and pull it all out? She practically destroyed my scrap space today. I now realize why I wait for her to go to bed before attempting anything.

Why can't I make a cool header like other bloggers?

Yep pretty random.


Anonymous said...

hi - i came across your blog from michelle's... and had some thoughts in response to a few in your 'randomness'...

Will Target brand diapers make it through the night? I'm a little scared to test this.-- i swore by target brand til size 4. for some reason after that they just pooped out on me. literally.

Why if I feel horrible shopping at walmart do I still shop there? i go there because i can shop in my sweatpants and fit right in.

If seventh generation is so environmentally friendly why do they package their each of panty liners in a plastic wrap? amen!

Why do I have the acne this week comparable to that of my teens and it's not close to that time of the month? -- dang i feel like a pimply teenager lots lately too

Why can't I remember to take my canvas bags that I have sitting right next to the door so I don't forget? -- again, i can relate. most times i leave the house i prepare the diaper bag and then proceed to leave it at home.

How long can I make my daughter nap with me in the chair? - :( they grow too dang fast

Why does my daughter have to go through everything and pull it all out? She practically destroyed my scrap space today. I now realize why I wait for her to go to bed before attempting anything. same problem here. and mine eats paper.

Why can't I make a cool header like other bloggers? - email me, i can help you with that one!
my blog

Cassandra said...

Great random blog! I want a new blog header, too. Costco has PSE for $50 and I'm going to get it *just* for blog headers haha!

Jennifer said...

We use Target and Sam's brand diaper's at our house. LOVE THEM! Much cheaper too! Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Broken Beth said...

I make headers in paint.

An one cookie is never enough for me....