Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Dentist

The dentist went ok today. Peanut Butter got a little needy while I was in getting my cleaning. I was holding her as the dentist geared up and I think it freaked her out and she just screamed. But she was ok after that. The boy doesn't have any cavities, but he was told he need to brush better, big shocker. He was pretty helpful with PB today so I gave him his zombie box back. We went to Whole Foods and they were still out of dark chocolate chips in bulk. They'd better have them the next time; I'm going through withdrawals no other ones taste the same. We had lunch the the Olive Garden and shopped a bit at Target. I was proud of myself I didn't buy PB any clothes, and it was hard. I can't seem to find one of those white sharpie poster paint pens anywhere. I don't want to order one pen online, so I guess I'll keep looking. PB's got a pretty nasty cold. She didn't get to nap very well today so once we got home she slept quite a bit, I was worried she wouldn't go down very easy tonight but she did. She's like her Momma likes to sleep a lot when she's sick. J still asked about the cold medicine tonight and I explained again what the FDA said and he said well if people wouldn't keep their kids doped up all day. My reply was, like some one who says can't you give her something.

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