We received another wonderful(hear the sarcasm) couple of inches of snow today. I quickly shoveled off the back deck and the front sidewalk after work. Around 4:30ish I get everything together for a fun filled workout on the elliptical machine at the Y, I then walk out the door carrying PB, my purse, a tote bag with my gym shoes, and a couple empty bags for our stop at the grocery store. I walk out like it is the middle of summer; I see my neighbor walking to his house from his car and..... whoosh from just about the top step, PB, the bags, and I go flying. I land square on my hinder and apparently my right shoulder hit the one of the stairs because I can now feel exactly where I hit. I thought for sure PB broke something; she was screaming. The neighbor asked if we were okay and I said I think so. I brought her back in the house and checked her out. She calmed down and appeared to be fine. We headed out again and I gave it all I could on the elliptical and as soon as I got off, I could feel every ache and pain. I am a hurting unit right now. PB hasn't alluded to anything hurting, so I'm hoping she is a-okay.
Last night was very interesting also. PB around 11:30 and I brought her to bed. J couldn't take her squirming around and took her back to bed. Around 3ish she starts crying again and J goes in and he yells she puked all over her bed. It smelled so disgusting, I almost yakked myself. Puke is the one thing I don't do very well, poopy diaper, which she also had, not problem, but puke just gets me. I semi showered her and got her redressed and brought her to our bed to which she blissfully fell asleep and woke as if nothing happened this morning from what J said. The sleep I was hoping to get a little of last night became 4 short hrs. Ugh.
I hope you had a better Wednesday than I did.