Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cranky Pants

Peanut Butter has a serious case of cranky pants today. (they are so cute I had to share.) I think it is all Santa's fault. I really wanted to get a photo with Santa, I figured today would be a lot slower than on Saturday and it was. I figured we'd have a little time to get to know santa and we did. But she was not having any part of it. She clung on to me for dear life, even after blowing him kisses. So I didn't force her and we left. I need to pick up a couple things before we left and she didn't want any part of that screamed her lungs out in Pennys. I assumed she was hungry it was lunch time so we went over to Panera bread and cranky pants continued. she wouldn't eat and she had to drink the milk out of the straw, which she really hasn't figured out yet. They she wanted to drink my drink. She managed to eat most of her sandwich in between screams. It was packed in there to I felt bad for the people next to me. I'm probably making more out of it than it was cuz the one dude next to me didn't leave and he wasn't eating anything he was studying math. She was in too much a mood for me to attempt Target so we ventured home. She probably slept about 20 min in the car and as soon as I shut the engine off, Poof she is awake. She will not take a nap once we get in the house, but proceeds to whine and scream for the next 3 hrs. I bundled her up and walked down to the post office and after that she's been a pretty happy camper. I'm sure it will be early to bed tonite too, with her screaming around midnight to come co-sleep. At least J got to enjoy the fun this afternoon:)


Zoe said...

don't ya love public humiliation!!!

Cassandra said...

The Cranky pants are REALLY cute (even if the tantrums aren't) haha!