Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday Wonderings

I had a few things on my mind and decided to go with it.
My Grandma was moved to hospice care today. There is a good possibility she will not make it through the weekend. I am torn on whether or not to visit. I am thinking I probably should. It is just hard.
I am also deciding whether or not I should go to a scrapbooking crop in March. I had a lot of fun last year, but I would have to take 2 days off of work and spend around $200. Unless I find someone to room with before that. Anyone want to meet in Kankakee IL? It is for a good cause, who knows maybe the night before I'll just decide to go.
When will the girl want to use the potty. It is now almost a fight. I ordered Potty Training Boot Camp from Amazon. We'll see how that goes.
Why have so many of you have a colposcopy? I was shocked that so many had said they had one. Even a friend of mine.
I know know what is up with my weight other than it being up. I have been working out, but I seem to be on a feeding frenzy I don't know what the deal is. I have also been feeling nausea now and then. If it wasn't that time, I'd swear I was pregnant. I really need to get back to basics. I really need to drill that into my head.


KG said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I too am sorry to hear about your grandmother. The decision is hard, but ultimately it comes down to how you really want to remember her - either way, it isn't an easy decision.

I'll go to Illinois with you if there is a cot set up in the corner that I can just nap on all day . . . I could use a few days of sleep!

And I had the colpo for low grade cervical dysplasia. I ultimately wish I had opted not to do it, as it resolved on its own, and was the type of dysplasia that is not associated with cervical disease. (Did you by chance have sex before your Pap? Sex any time the week before always makes mine come back abnormal.) I still stand by the Advil!

Anonymous said...

I do not know your situation and/or relationship with your Grandma, but for advice, I would say, "Go visit" if you can. Yes, it's hard, but what was harder for me than literally watching my Pop-Pop die (I went and saw him multiple times a week towards the end and even "baby-sat" him once when my aunt needed a break) was the fact that when my other grandfather died, my Grandpa, it was sudden and unexpected and the guilt that I hadn't seen him in MONTHS ate away at me. I still to this day wish that, even though I couldn't have known he was going to die, I wish I could have had one more visit with him.

I'm thinking of you and your Grandma.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma Robyn. Peace, prayers and strength are on their way.