Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And So Are the Days

Baseball season has begun, it just hasn't been baseball weather. Saturday was horrible rain, sleet, wind, yuk. Peanut Butter and I sat in the car for most of the game. Monday night it didn't seem to be anything other than cool when I left the house with my light fleece, but when we got to the field it was so windy and I was freezing. I stuck it out for the whole game, but after I got home my nose started running and I was still feeling cold. I was sick then yesterday and though I'm feeling better today, a nap would be nice, along with not being stuffy. I am just happy my clothes don't make my skin hurt today and my stomach cramps are gone.

I am hoping the weather starts to warm up sometime soon since we are supposed to go camping at the end of the month. It has been cold and rainy here and I usually don't mind cool, but this is cold. I'm glad I didn't get a bigger bug to plant more plants than I did.

Peanut Butter hasn't really been one to fixate on a item of clothing, even with the Princess and the Frog, but I bought her a Jessie(Toy Story) shirt from Old Navy and she screamed when I tried to changed her into pjs, I had to talk her down and let her know I had to wash it and she could wear it again.

Peanut Butter is also getting a wee bit better about sleeping  in her bed. She has been starting to fall alseep in her bed and make it until about 3-4am before she crawls in our bed. This has been very nice. She has been asking for a new/different nightlight, since she says she is scared. Maybe once I get one she'll sleep the whole night.

As Lost is coming to and end, I am more confused than ever. None of my questions were answered last night, I only came away with more questions. Maybe this show is too deep for me.


Kat said...

I have never watched Lost, but from what I hear people are still super confused. Hope it all gets settled by the end of the series.

I could definitely do with some warmer weather around here too.

Kat said...

I have never watched Lost, but from what I hear people are still super confused. Hope it all gets settled by the end of the series.

I could definitely do with some warmer weather around here too.

CanadianMama said...

Oh that is a cute picture of PB watching the guys!
M and I decided not to watch lost until it was over. We are much too impatient to wait every week especially knowing Lost (it is a crazy show)!