Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best Intentions

This blog like everything else I have the best intentions of keeping up and then stuff just gets in the way. I had every intention of making or at least sending Christmas cards this year, I did get card stock cut. I may have to do a New Years card. I have had every intention of getting this house back in order, but oy, as much as I try to keep up with and organize things, things seem to pile up and my mini tornado flies through. I am  happy to say I got the bathroom clean and clean sheets on the beds. I couldn't believe I finished all my wrapping last night, I was pretty dang proud of myself, until I found a couple items I missed. I feel so pressured for Christmas and I don't know why. I have zero plans. Peanut Butter is with her dad on Christmas Eve and she doesn't come over until 10ish on Christmas day. My mom and I are supposed to do dinner or something on Christmas Eve, but nothing has been set. I am dying to get out and just hang out with some people, but I don't know what to ask people. I have also been confused about a certain someone. Out of the blue it seem this person starting talking to me and then a few messages back and forth. I don't know if it is just pure friend type talking, but I want to say just ask me out already. But knowing my luck this is just a huge misunderstanding on my part. Did I mention my dryer died, yeah, that is the kind of luck I'm talking about. I noticed the other night it ran all night on the shut off when clothes are dry mode, and they clothes were dry. Then I did laundry and crud, the clothes didn't dry. I had to wear semi wet pants to work. I've had a friend looking at it and I'm thinking I should just call it a loss and head to sears and just get another one. Well that's about it for the moment. Stay tuned for a Poland post and more ramblings from me.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

dear running

It's not you, it's me. I used to feel like this:

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

But now I even feel like the bottom picture when I'm running. It is as if I am running in quicksand for 4 miles every time I go out. I think I need to move on for a bit and take a break. Through the wonders of pintrest, I found a web site that has all the insanity workouts and this body needs some insanity. The mind is saying food, fat, stay warm, my body is saying eek I am not fitting into my pants. I need some intensity back I need to not be able to walk the next day and quite frankly just running isn't cutting it. I need my ass kicked. I did Jackie Warner  Xtreme Timesaver the other day and crap, it was hard. But I actually felt like I accomplished something for a hot minute.